
ATTENTION – Conference Cancellation March 31, 2020

Due to the current crisis, we regret to announce the cancellation of our conference scheduled for March 31, 2020. The idea of a webinar conference having been considered, we have finally decided to abandon the idea. Indeed, having seen the crisis coming, many of you have refrained from reserving your seats and we therefore have [...]

By |2020-07-28T15:09:45+02:00March 21st, 2020|Conferences, Professional Activities|0 Comments

Conference – HORECA and databases

Following the success of our conference at the beginning of our activity and the interest generated we decided to repeat the experience. This time it will be oriented differently with more emphasis on recording customer data and how to use this data. You're in the care of your clients throughout the year. So why [...]

By |2020-07-28T15:02:52+02:00February 4th, 2020|Conferences, Professional Activities|0 Comments

Conference – The importance of the GDPR within HORECA

We told you about it in our last blog post on January 6th. The law of the GDPR is coming soon (May 25th) and for some of you this means that preparations have to be made. We advise you not to take this lightly as the sanctions can have disastrous consequences. In order to better [...]

By |2020-07-23T21:32:54+02:00January 30th, 2018|Conferences, Professional Activities|0 Comments

Conference – HORECA and specialized marketing

As a manager in the HORECA sector, word of mouth is probably your best way to make yourself known. Very effective, it is however not easy to control. Fortunately, there are other ways to make you known and to improve your general image: marketing. WedooBox offers you this conference gathering the best experts in our [...]

By |2020-07-23T19:06:55+02:00September 19th, 2017|Conferences, Professional Activities|0 Comments