The majority of sites will allow you to respond to the reviews left by your customers. Some offer only the notification of abusive opinions and others do not offer any review management. Here’s how to proceed for the major sites we monitor for you:
- TripAdvisor has published a “seminar” detailing step by step how to proceed: Click here!
- Here are the criteria you need to consider when writing an answer: Click here!
- Log in to your Yelp account: Click here!
- Go to the “reviews” tab where you can add a public comment for each review on your business.
- Google has published an article detailing step by step how to proceed: Click here!
- On Facebook you just have to go to your “Opinion” tab and reply to the comment.
- Pagesdor aggregates reviews posted on Pagesdor, SaySo and À Table. For each of these platforms, it is possible to “report an abuse” directly from your business page on Pagesdor.
- You can respond to SaySo reviews by going to your property page after logging into your SaySo account: Click here! Just click on “Add a comment” below the notice in question.
- You have the opportunity to respond to a review through your restaurant admin page: Click here! This answer is not public and is addressed only to the person who wrote the review.
- Foursquare does not allow the publication of a response from management but you can nevertheless report abusive reviews. To do this, simply move your mouse over the review and the word “report” will appear below the review in question.
- Then specify why you think it’s abusive.
- BrusselsLife has integrated a Facebook module for the drafting of opinions. To do this you must be connected to the Facebook account of your establishment. Then reply by commenting the review on the BrusselsLife page.
- It is currently not possible to respond or report reviews directly on the site. However, it is possible to contact in case of an unreasonable notice. There are 2 possibilities: either you receive the email address of the customer to figure out a solution together, or it will be deleted if the review is purely personal and does not concern the establishment. To report an unreasonable review, please send an email to
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